June 5, 2024

I saw a commercial the other day retailing a certain investment company whose tag line was,” A life well planned”. An appeal to our need for security and control always resonates. Yet… How often “the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft a-gley”, as the famous Scottish poet Robbie Burns wrote. Our strategies Continue reading…

Posted in Blog | Comments Off on June 5, 2024

May 22, 2024

We’ve all read the report on the sudden descent of a Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore with one person dead and scores injured in the sudden fall. Apparently it hit turbulence and fell 6000 feet in a matter of minutes. People who were not wearing seatbelts were thrown all over the interior with Continue reading…

Posted in Blog | Comments Off on May 22, 2024

May 8, 2024

I was the guest speaker at a church recently where the setting was inner city and the congregants bore the signs of “living rough”- some living on the street, others on welfare, and many the “working poor”. Compared to the poor we minister to in Africa they had/have much more in terms of a social Continue reading…

Posted in Blog | Comments Off on May 8, 2024

April 24, 2024

One would think that after 25 years of working with orphans and widows in Sub-Saharan Africa my wife Kathy and I would be somewhat acclimatized to the suffering of “the least of these”, but we’re not.   Recently we visited our champion partners in South Africa, Zambia, and Malawi. We were very impressed with the Continue reading…

Posted in Blog | Comments Off on April 24, 2024