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| Jim Cantelon |
  The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is an unwelcome adventure but adventure none-the-less. The Oxford dictionary calls an adventure “a daring enterprise; a hazardous activity”, which this crisis certainly is. No doubt it’s “hazardous”,  but there are also many elements of “enterprise”.   There are several burgeoning medical breakthroughs in potential vaccines, repurposing of proven anti-retrovirals; and […]
| Jim Cantelon |
We’ve just come through the Passover/Easter week even while in the grip of Covid-19. This has been a Holy Week like none other-ever. Imagine online Easter services and Passover by Zoom! No need to imagine. It happened.   The underlying life lesson in this anomaly is how much we need each other. Whether sacred services, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
You’re reading this in self isolation and I’m writing in similar circumstances. We’re all in lockdown. Who knew?   Well, not to be trite, but the Lord knew. Indeed, he knows. Covid-19 is no surprise to him. And we know that his omniscience informs his sovereignty- he is Lord of every situation.   I think […]
| Jim Cantelon |
The world is in a full court press today fighting to contain the Corona virus. None of us has ever seen anything like it. We’re on a “war footing”. Like you, my wife and I attended church on Sunday by logging on to a live stream service. In our case we logged on to two. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I’m taking a break from researching the Gospel of John to share a bit of homemade “wisdom”. The irony of social media is that we’ve never been as disconnected as we are today in this supposedly connected era of the internet. We’re isolated even as we publicly post another pic or motivational poster on Instagram. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  Some of you (I hope!) are reading excerpts from Cantelon’s Casual Commentary here on the site. Writing it is a joy, although labour intensive. It’s also a touch revelatory. You’d think that after 50 years of pastoring I’d know a thing or two about the Bible. Yes I do, but only a little The […]
| Jim Cantelon |
None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating. Blame, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]
| Jim Cantelon |
You’re reading this in self isolation and I’m writing in similar circumstances. We’re all in lockdown. Who knew?   Well, not to be trite, but the Lord knew. Indeed, he knows. Covid-19 is no surprise to him. And we know that his omniscience informs his sovereignty- he is Lord of every situation.   I think […]
| Jim Cantelon |
The world is in a full court press today fighting to contain the Corona virus. None of us has ever seen anything like it. We’re on a “war footing”. Like you, my wife and I attended church on Sunday by logging on to a live stream service. In our case we logged on to two. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I’m taking a break from researching the Gospel of John to share a bit of homemade “wisdom”. The irony of social media is that we’ve never been as disconnected as we are today in this supposedly connected era of the internet. We’re isolated even as we publicly post another pic or motivational poster on Instagram. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  Some of you (I hope!) are reading excerpts from Cantelon’s Casual Commentary here on the site. Writing it is a joy, although labour intensive. It’s also a touch revelatory. You’d think that after 50 years of pastoring I’d know a thing or two about the Bible. Yes I do, but only a little The […]
| Jim Cantelon |
None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating. Blame, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]
| Jim Cantelon |
The world is in a full court press today fighting to contain the Corona virus. None of us has ever seen anything like it. We’re on a “war footing”. Like you, my wife and I attended church on Sunday by logging on to a live stream service. In our case we logged on to two. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I’m taking a break from researching the Gospel of John to share a bit of homemade “wisdom”. The irony of social media is that we’ve never been as disconnected as we are today in this supposedly connected era of the internet. We’re isolated even as we publicly post another pic or motivational poster on Instagram. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  Some of you (I hope!) are reading excerpts from Cantelon’s Casual Commentary here on the site. Writing it is a joy, although labour intensive. It’s also a touch revelatory. You’d think that after 50 years of pastoring I’d know a thing or two about the Bible. Yes I do, but only a little The […]
| Jim Cantelon |
None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating. Blame, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I’m taking a break from researching the Gospel of John to share a bit of homemade “wisdom”. The irony of social media is that we’ve never been as disconnected as we are today in this supposedly connected era of the internet. We’re isolated even as we publicly post another pic or motivational poster on Instagram. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  Some of you (I hope!) are reading excerpts from Cantelon’s Casual Commentary here on the site. Writing it is a joy, although labour intensive. It’s also a touch revelatory. You’d think that after 50 years of pastoring I’d know a thing or two about the Bible. Yes I do, but only a little The […]
| Jim Cantelon |
None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating. Blame, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  Some of you (I hope!) are reading excerpts from Cantelon’s Casual Commentary here on the site. Writing it is a joy, although labour intensive. It’s also a touch revelatory. You’d think that after 50 years of pastoring I’d know a thing or two about the Bible. Yes I do, but only a little The […]
| Jim Cantelon |
None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating. Blame, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]
| Jim Cantelon |
None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating. Blame, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept! One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden. Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong. Worry is the father […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus… Reminds me […]