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| Jim Cantelon |
2024 has arrived with all the hope and optimism that usually accompanies a new year. Mind you the hype is more than a bit muted in that 2023 was so fraught with sorrow. The wars in Ukraine, the Middle East, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Yemen, accompanied by volcanos, earthquakes, droughts, and various ecological crises have left […]
I think most of us find the angelic song, “Peace on earth good will to men”, which they sang over the hills surrounding Bethlehem a bit of an unrealizable hope in these troubled days. It seems that chaos on earth has eclipsed the heavenly choir’s rejoicing at our saviour’s birth. Wherever we look we see […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Among the several(!)books I’m currently reading is “Church History in Plain Language” by prof Bruce Shelley. It’s a great overview of both church and world history written in everyday terms. His description of the tumultuous Middle Ages (6th -16th centuries) can be captured in a few sentences when he quotes Pope Gregory’s sermonic lament at […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was in studio yesterday recording December’s “Jim Cantelon Today” TV shows. Currently I’m in the book of Matthew and presenting Jesus’ teaching on prayer in his “Sermon On the Mount”. It’s the best template for prayer from the Son of God Himself. It is timeless and covers everything. Indeed it is totally relevant to […]
There’s no denying “the elephant in the room”- the turmoil in the Middle East. It’s troubling, polarizing, and painful. For our family it’s personal because Jerusalem is our hometown. We lived there for seven years, planted King of Kings Church in the heart of the city, raised our children and thrived in its history, culture, […]
As Westerners we tend to think our ways are best. We are often guilty of seeing poorer, developing nations in a dim light, in need of our superior expertise in the “art” of civilization. Sometimes with the purist of intentions we condescend. It’s more than a wake-up call however to immerse oneself in one of […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Kathy and I recently visited a child-headed household in a remote rural village in Malawi Africa. Our WOW ministry has taken us to hundreds of similar situations over the past 23 years yet this visit touched us deeply. Sitting on the ground at the entrance of her one room mud-brick home was a small 16 […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Among the several(!)books I’m currently reading is “Church History in Plain Language” by prof Bruce Shelley. It’s a great overview of both church and world history written in everyday terms. His description of the tumultuous Middle Ages (6th -16th centuries) can be captured in a few sentences when he quotes Pope Gregory’s sermonic lament at […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was in studio yesterday recording December’s “Jim Cantelon Today” TV shows. Currently I’m in the book of Matthew and presenting Jesus’ teaching on prayer in his “Sermon On the Mount”. It’s the best template for prayer from the Son of God Himself. It is timeless and covers everything. Indeed it is totally relevant to […]
There’s no denying “the elephant in the room”- the turmoil in the Middle East. It’s troubling, polarizing, and painful. For our family it’s personal because Jerusalem is our hometown. We lived there for seven years, planted King of Kings Church in the heart of the city, raised our children and thrived in its history, culture, […]
As Westerners we tend to think our ways are best. We are often guilty of seeing poorer, developing nations in a dim light, in need of our superior expertise in the “art” of civilization. Sometimes with the purist of intentions we condescend. It’s more than a wake-up call however to immerse oneself in one of […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Kathy and I recently visited a child-headed household in a remote rural village in Malawi Africa. Our WOW ministry has taken us to hundreds of similar situations over the past 23 years yet this visit touched us deeply. Sitting on the ground at the entrance of her one room mud-brick home was a small 16 […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I was in studio yesterday recording December’s “Jim Cantelon Today” TV shows. Currently I’m in the book of Matthew and presenting Jesus’ teaching on prayer in his “Sermon On the Mount”. It’s the best template for prayer from the Son of God Himself. It is timeless and covers everything. Indeed it is totally relevant to […]
There’s no denying “the elephant in the room”- the turmoil in the Middle East. It’s troubling, polarizing, and painful. For our family it’s personal because Jerusalem is our hometown. We lived there for seven years, planted King of Kings Church in the heart of the city, raised our children and thrived in its history, culture, […]
As Westerners we tend to think our ways are best. We are often guilty of seeing poorer, developing nations in a dim light, in need of our superior expertise in the “art” of civilization. Sometimes with the purist of intentions we condescend. It’s more than a wake-up call however to immerse oneself in one of […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Kathy and I recently visited a child-headed household in a remote rural village in Malawi Africa. Our WOW ministry has taken us to hundreds of similar situations over the past 23 years yet this visit touched us deeply. Sitting on the ground at the entrance of her one room mud-brick home was a small 16 […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]
There’s no denying “the elephant in the room”- the turmoil in the Middle East. It’s troubling, polarizing, and painful. For our family it’s personal because Jerusalem is our hometown. We lived there for seven years, planted King of Kings Church in the heart of the city, raised our children and thrived in its history, culture, […]
As Westerners we tend to think our ways are best. We are often guilty of seeing poorer, developing nations in a dim light, in need of our superior expertise in the “art” of civilization. Sometimes with the purist of intentions we condescend. It’s more than a wake-up call however to immerse oneself in one of […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Kathy and I recently visited a child-headed household in a remote rural village in Malawi Africa. Our WOW ministry has taken us to hundreds of similar situations over the past 23 years yet this visit touched us deeply. Sitting on the ground at the entrance of her one room mud-brick home was a small 16 […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]
As Westerners we tend to think our ways are best. We are often guilty of seeing poorer, developing nations in a dim light, in need of our superior expertise in the “art” of civilization. Sometimes with the purist of intentions we condescend. It’s more than a wake-up call however to immerse oneself in one of […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Kathy and I recently visited a child-headed household in a remote rural village in Malawi Africa. Our WOW ministry has taken us to hundreds of similar situations over the past 23 years yet this visit touched us deeply. Sitting on the ground at the entrance of her one room mud-brick home was a small 16 […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Kathy and I recently visited a child-headed household in a remote rural village in Malawi Africa. Our WOW ministry has taken us to hundreds of similar situations over the past 23 years yet this visit touched us deeply. Sitting on the ground at the entrance of her one room mud-brick home was a small 16 […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]
| Jim Cantelon |
There’s an old saying “big doors swing on small hinges”, referring to outcomes in history that are often predicated on seemingly inconsequential decisions by unknown or even anonymous people. There are any number of examples, perhaps one of the most extreme being the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 by one bullet […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As many of you who follow us on our website know, WOW has been providing Home Based Care (HBC) for at-risk orphans and widows (Mainly because of HIV and AIDS infections) in sub-Saharan Africa for 23 years. The Covid 19 pandemic exacerbated the need, to say nothing of the ongoing crisis of opportunistic diseases that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I received a report recently from one of WOW’s partner ministries with a few pics covering the gifting several of their volunteers with bicycles. These volunteers, in some cases, have been walking up to 20 kilometres a day to provide home-based care (HBC) for seriously ill and/or dying orphans and widows. Most of the afflicted […]