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| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 4:24 “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” I love this story. For several reasons. First, because Jesus was such a free spirit that He had no qualms about talking to a woman on equal ground. That ground, in this case was at Jacob’s well […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 3:3 “…unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Have you ever been challenged to explain what you mean by the term, when you refer to yourself, or to someone else, as a “born-again” Christian? Maybe you’ve found it a bit difficult to say what you mean. If […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 1:18 (NIV) “No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made Him known.” I was riding the commuter train the other day and overheard a conversation between two college students sitting behind me. They were dismissing Christianity as untrustworthy because, “Noah’s […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 24:27 “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” The crucifixion was a real blow to Jesus’ disciples. Not just the inner group of twelve, but all of Jesus’ followers were devastated by the news of His death. It was […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 23: 12 “That very day Pilate and Herod became friends…” In this chapter and the latter half of the previous chapter, we read of the crucifixion. Some have called this the “Passion” narrative. In 22:47-53 we see Jesus arrested (even while His disciples were eager to use those newly purchased swords–“Lord, should […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 22:29 “I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me.” Here’s a passage of scripture that has been remarkably silent over the years. At least in sermons, that is. We have probably heard a few sermons on Jesus sending out the disciples without “purse, bag or sandals”–the […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 21:4 “all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty…” The question occurring to me as I read this story is, “what would Jesus think or say about some modern ministries that unscrupulously bilk widows of their life savings?” We have no record of what […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 1:18 (NIV) “No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made Him known.” I was riding the commuter train the other day and overheard a conversation between two college students sitting behind me. They were dismissing Christianity as untrustworthy because, “Noah’s […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 24:27 “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” The crucifixion was a real blow to Jesus’ disciples. Not just the inner group of twelve, but all of Jesus’ followers were devastated by the news of His death. It was […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 23: 12 “That very day Pilate and Herod became friends…” In this chapter and the latter half of the previous chapter, we read of the crucifixion. Some have called this the “Passion” narrative. In 22:47-53 we see Jesus arrested (even while His disciples were eager to use those newly purchased swords–“Lord, should […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 22:29 “I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me.” Here’s a passage of scripture that has been remarkably silent over the years. At least in sermons, that is. We have probably heard a few sermons on Jesus sending out the disciples without “purse, bag or sandals”–the […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 21:4 “all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty…” The question occurring to me as I read this story is, “what would Jesus think or say about some modern ministries that unscrupulously bilk widows of their life savings?” We have no record of what […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 24:27 “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” The crucifixion was a real blow to Jesus’ disciples. Not just the inner group of twelve, but all of Jesus’ followers were devastated by the news of His death. It was […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 23: 12 “That very day Pilate and Herod became friends…” In this chapter and the latter half of the previous chapter, we read of the crucifixion. Some have called this the “Passion” narrative. In 22:47-53 we see Jesus arrested (even while His disciples were eager to use those newly purchased swords–“Lord, should […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 22:29 “I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me.” Here’s a passage of scripture that has been remarkably silent over the years. At least in sermons, that is. We have probably heard a few sermons on Jesus sending out the disciples without “purse, bag or sandals”–the […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 21:4 “all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty…” The question occurring to me as I read this story is, “what would Jesus think or say about some modern ministries that unscrupulously bilk widows of their life savings?” We have no record of what […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 23: 12 “That very day Pilate and Herod became friends…” In this chapter and the latter half of the previous chapter, we read of the crucifixion. Some have called this the “Passion” narrative. In 22:47-53 we see Jesus arrested (even while His disciples were eager to use those newly purchased swords–“Lord, should […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 22:29 “I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me.” Here’s a passage of scripture that has been remarkably silent over the years. At least in sermons, that is. We have probably heard a few sermons on Jesus sending out the disciples without “purse, bag or sandals”–the […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 21:4 “all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty…” The question occurring to me as I read this story is, “what would Jesus think or say about some modern ministries that unscrupulously bilk widows of their life savings?” We have no record of what […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 22:29 “I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me.” Here’s a passage of scripture that has been remarkably silent over the years. At least in sermons, that is. We have probably heard a few sermons on Jesus sending out the disciples without “purse, bag or sandals”–the […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 21:4 “all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty…” The question occurring to me as I read this story is, “what would Jesus think or say about some modern ministries that unscrupulously bilk widows of their life savings?” We have no record of what […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 21:4 “all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty…” The question occurring to me as I read this story is, “what would Jesus think or say about some modern ministries that unscrupulously bilk widows of their life savings?” We have no record of what […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 19:44 “…you did not know the time of your visitation.” If you have read even a bit of the Bible, you’re sure to have noticed the awfully serious view it takes of decision-making: especially those decisions about our relationship with God. When we’re vague, or try to postpone, if not water down, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 18:13 “…God be merciful to me a sinner!” The Bible doesn’t always make an editorial comment about Jesus’ parables, but Luke does so in this instance. The famous parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is told to “some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.” It’s amazing but true: there still are “Christians” who have a distinct prejudice against (if not and out-and-out hatred for) Jews. Three or four time s a year, I receive mail […]