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| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 15:7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” I’m afraid a lot of us see God as a celestial errand-boy. He’s there to do our will, meet our needs. And some of us have adopted […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 14:2 “I go to prepare a place for you.” The death of a loved one always catches us off guard. We may have known for months that the tumour was malignant and our loved one was living with a six month sentence; but when the moment of death occurs, we’re not as […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 13:16 “…a servant is not greater than his master…” I think most of us have the instinctive ability to discern between the merely obsequious and the purely altruistic. Huh? How’s that again? What I mean is, we can usually tell when someone is being self-serving even while appearing to be serving us. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 12:43 “…they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” The Sanhedrin was the ruling council of Jerusalem. They were Pharisees of high education, wealth and reputation who acted as judges, or rulers, over the Jewish people. Under the high priest, they acted as a sort of “Supreme Court”, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 11:50 “…it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people…” The raising of Lazarus from the dead was the final straw. The religious authorities were running scared. “If we let him go on like this…the Romans will come and take away our place (temple) and our nation”, they […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 9:25b “I was blind but now I see!” What a great story we read in chapter nine! Let me summarize it. Jesus is walking along and sees a man who was born blind. The disciples ask a question typical of orthodox religion of the time, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 8:31 “If you abide in My words, you are My disciples indeed.” I like the way the NIV puts it, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The word  “hold” is a strong verb; it speaks of mothers embracing their newborn, and ship-wrecked sailors clutching the life-line, refusing […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 13:16 “…a servant is not greater than his master…” I think most of us have the instinctive ability to discern between the merely obsequious and the purely altruistic. Huh? How’s that again? What I mean is, we can usually tell when someone is being self-serving even while appearing to be serving us. […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 12:43 “…they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” The Sanhedrin was the ruling council of Jerusalem. They were Pharisees of high education, wealth and reputation who acted as judges, or rulers, over the Jewish people. Under the high priest, they acted as a sort of “Supreme Court”, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 11:50 “…it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people…” The raising of Lazarus from the dead was the final straw. The religious authorities were running scared. “If we let him go on like this…the Romans will come and take away our place (temple) and our nation”, they […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 9:25b “I was blind but now I see!” What a great story we read in chapter nine! Let me summarize it. Jesus is walking along and sees a man who was born blind. The disciples ask a question typical of orthodox religion of the time, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 8:31 “If you abide in My words, you are My disciples indeed.” I like the way the NIV puts it, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The word  “hold” is a strong verb; it speaks of mothers embracing their newborn, and ship-wrecked sailors clutching the life-line, refusing […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 12:43 “…they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” The Sanhedrin was the ruling council of Jerusalem. They were Pharisees of high education, wealth and reputation who acted as judges, or rulers, over the Jewish people. Under the high priest, they acted as a sort of “Supreme Court”, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 11:50 “…it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people…” The raising of Lazarus from the dead was the final straw. The religious authorities were running scared. “If we let him go on like this…the Romans will come and take away our place (temple) and our nation”, they […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 9:25b “I was blind but now I see!” What a great story we read in chapter nine! Let me summarize it. Jesus is walking along and sees a man who was born blind. The disciples ask a question typical of orthodox religion of the time, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 8:31 “If you abide in My words, you are My disciples indeed.” I like the way the NIV puts it, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The word  “hold” is a strong verb; it speaks of mothers embracing their newborn, and ship-wrecked sailors clutching the life-line, refusing […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 11:50 “…it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people…” The raising of Lazarus from the dead was the final straw. The religious authorities were running scared. “If we let him go on like this…the Romans will come and take away our place (temple) and our nation”, they […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 9:25b “I was blind but now I see!” What a great story we read in chapter nine! Let me summarize it. Jesus is walking along and sees a man who was born blind. The disciples ask a question typical of orthodox religion of the time, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 8:31 “If you abide in My words, you are My disciples indeed.” I like the way the NIV puts it, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The word  “hold” is a strong verb; it speaks of mothers embracing their newborn, and ship-wrecked sailors clutching the life-line, refusing […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 9:25b “I was blind but now I see!” What a great story we read in chapter nine! Let me summarize it. Jesus is walking along and sees a man who was born blind. The disciples ask a question typical of orthodox religion of the time, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 8:31 “If you abide in My words, you are My disciples indeed.” I like the way the NIV puts it, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The word  “hold” is a strong verb; it speaks of mothers embracing their newborn, and ship-wrecked sailors clutching the life-line, refusing […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 8:31 “If you abide in My words, you are My disciples indeed.” I like the way the NIV puts it, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” The word  “hold” is a strong verb; it speaks of mothers embracing their newborn, and ship-wrecked sailors clutching the life-line, refusing […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 7:43 “So there was division among the people because of Him. The setting for this chapter is Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. As you read it, you get a fascinating insight into the uproar surrounding Jesus in the public sector: He really rocked the boat. For instance, He was an amazement […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 6:51c “…the bread I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Jesus certainly was skilled in alienating people. First of all there were His very exclusive claims to deity. Secondly, there was His flagrant disregard for the religious sensibilities of the Pharisees. Then there […]
| Jim Cantelon |
Key Verse: John 5:46 “…if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.” Can you trust someone who says he is God? Not likely. Maybe you heard the story of the pastor visiting a mental hospital. He walked by tow of the patients sitting on a bench in the sunshine outside […]