September 8, 2021
You know the old adage, “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness”. So true. But I must say that we’ve never seen such darkness in our world. There’s no need to rehearse the crises facing us in terms of pandemics, wars, and natural/environmental disasters. Yet, WOW has just lit a little candle that’s already a life saver for young widows and orphans in South Africa. It’s a place called “House Nehemiah”.
Our champions in the “irregular settlement” (read “slums”)in the north west quadrant of Johannesburg have created this safe house for “the least of these”, orphans and widows with nothing and nowhere to go for protection, healthcare, and food security. It’s been operating for a month and is already changing lives for good and for God. Those faithful souls who are supporting WOW deserve great praise. Another candle in a dark place is dispelling hopelessness and despair.
Check out the WOW website.