Category: Blog

March 8, 2021

I’ve been thinking of the impact of the home on a child’s life. Rather than my thoughts here’s something from a late 19th century theologian:


       “ The father and mother of an unnoticed family, who, in their seclusion awaken the mind of one child to the idea and love of perfect goodness, who awaken in him a strength of will to repel all temptation, and who send him out prepared to profit by the conflicts of life, surpass in influence a Napoleon breaking the world to his sway.”


Parents have a “captive audience” of their children during Covid. Now’s the time to change the world.

February 22, 2021

Photo by Doğukan Şahin on Unsplash


We’ve passed the one year mark in the Covid era. Vaccinations and variants are vying for victory. Who will win?

Seems that both may prevail. The experts are predicting that Covid is here to stay but vaccination will see a plague becoming some sort of ever present flu. Who knows? One thing we know is that predictions are just that.

Our sense of vulnerability has not only been heightened but burned into our social, familial, and spiritual lives. We suffer and remember how it used to be. But that “new normal” we lightly referred to a year ago has become a burden that refuses to disappear. From now on we’re walking with a limp.

Jesus said,” Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. This would be a good time to take him at his word.


February 8, 2021


So how are you doing 12 months into this COVID-19 era? If the media reports are anywhere close to the heart of the matter you’re not doing well. Infections and deaths increase every day, depression is up, divorce, thoughts of suicide, alcoholism climbing, disturbing increase of abused infants at emergency wards, sorrow on sorrow…we’re suffering a global pandemic of fear and sadness.


This is no time for trite solutions. We’ve got to admit our lostness on a scale never before imagined. We need help.


I was listening to one of the most loved hymns in history being sung recently. It resonated acutely:

   Our hope for years to come,
   Our shelter from the stormy blast
   And our eternal home…”


Now is the time for us to reach out to our Creator and call for His intervention. Indeed, that constant cry of ancient church liturgy rings truer today than ever:” Lord have mercy”.

January 18, 2021

The “Golden Rule” is under duress these days. A casual summary of Covid protocols from a governmental medical authority was recently posted, “Stay away from other people”. Blunt, succinct, and counter-intuitive, if not biblically dissonant. Indeed,
culturally dissonant too.
The core value of reaching out to those in need, let alone achieving social harmony via “quid pro quo”, has been carved into human relations over millennia. It’s a principle that has stood the rest of time. But not today. We’re locked down.
Social media connectivity, which has proven, ironically, to disconnect us in the name of “friending” and “liking”, has found its match in “social distancing”. The result is social isolation like never before in history. We feel the “gulf fixed” keenly. We’re all suffering.
But there may be a silver lining. It’s called “prayer”. Praying for others is an act of love. As you lift your neighbors and loved ones before our Heavenly Father there is connectivity on a higher level. “Bearing one another’s’ burdens” gives one a sense of family and mutual care. It has always proved to be a fulfilling exchange. And, a great aspect of praying for someone else is that it gets your focus off yourself. That’s always a good thing.