Category: Blog

January 18, 2021

The “Golden Rule” is under duress these days. A casual summary of Covid protocols from a governmental medical authority was recently posted, “Stay away from other people”. Blunt, succinct, and counter-intuitive, if not biblically dissonant. Indeed,
culturally dissonant too.
The core value of reaching out to those in need, let alone achieving social harmony via “quid pro quo”, has been carved into human relations over millennia. It’s a principle that has stood the rest of time. But not today. We’re locked down.
Social media connectivity, which has proven, ironically, to disconnect us in the name of “friending” and “liking”, has found its match in “social distancing”. The result is social isolation like never before in history. We feel the “gulf fixed” keenly. We’re all suffering.
But there may be a silver lining. It’s called “prayer”. Praying for others is an act of love. As you lift your neighbors and loved ones before our Heavenly Father there is connectivity on a higher level. “Bearing one another’s’ burdens” gives one a sense of family and mutual care. It has always proved to be a fulfilling exchange. And, a great aspect of praying for someone else is that it gets your focus off yourself. That’s always a good thing.

January 11, 2021

This week a “day of infamy” occurred in Washington DC. We all watched it unfold and we’re all troubled not only by the insurrection itself but by the implications. There’s a lot of blame-shifting and/or soul searching going on depending on political ideologies and adherence or non-adherence to conspiracy theories. But, regardless of polarities, no one is immune to the collateral damage from the incitement of riotous behaviour.
There’s a profound irony in that this attack on democracy took place on the same day that the USA had a record breaking one day death toll from the Corona virus. The nation seems under siege.
Yet the House and the Senate still managed to regroup and certify the election. Democracy was dealt a blow, but it was not fatal. For this we thank the Lord.
No need to scold or berate, rather to mourn and pray that the “God in whom we trust” will have mercy and heal the nation.

December 21, 2020


Everywhere people are gearing up for a truncated, if not solitary, Christmas Day. The Covid news keeps deteriorating. As of the past few days we’re suddenly aware of a Covid “variant” that has emerged in the UK. Yikes! Scores of countries are closing borders to any British attempts at entry. All this while Brexit is in final death throes.


It’s not inappropriate to refer to 2020 as an “apocalyptic” year, with more to come. We can try to mitigate but we can’t avoid the impact of sorrow on sorrows, not just in terms of Covid, but also convulsions of war, famine, and political upheavals.


Nevertheless we will prevail. History has its undulations but the human heart has deep resources of hope and joy. We can truly sing our belief that there are and will be continual “tidings of comfort and joy” in this sin stricken world.


Jesus is here. His spirit is present. His words resonate, “Come into me all you who are weary and heavily laden, and I will give you rest”. I’m weary. Are you? If so let us find rest in the Savior born in a stable, crucified on a Roman cross, dying and rising again for our salvation. The angels over those shepherds’ fields got it right. Our world, with all its woe still resounds with,” Peace on earth, good will to men”.


December 7, 2020

We just celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. Christmas is less than a month away! The long established magic of the season is trying to gain traction, but Covid is pushing back. The online shopping, house decorating (apparently there’s a huge run on Christmas trees),and Zoom connections are all in gear, but the elephant in the room is “Code Red” restrictions on gatherings. In our area we’re told to stay home without outside guests on Christmas Day. What?!


For sure this will be a December 25th like never before. Are we ready for it? Will it be a downer or will we dig deep and find some joy?


Joy, in the final analysis, is something we choose as much as feel. It’s roots are in gratitude. We used to sing a song in church,“Count your blessings…”. There’s wisdom in that lyric. We have much to be grateful for. Our entitlements may be losing their grip but that’s a good thing. Reevaluation, reinvention, and renewal go well with “Peace on earth good will to men”.