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Author: Jim Cantelon

August 18, 2021

Recently when recording Jim Cantelon Today TV I was asked by the director what my thoughts were re: the state of the world. He referenced the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the ongoing conflicts  in Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan, Libya etc, the wildfires in California, Greece, Turkey, Italy, and Israel, the floods in Turkey, Japan, and China, the virulent “fourth wave” of Covid, and on and on…What do you think Jim? Are we living in the last days?” My thoughts, of course, are just that-my thoughts. But I’m sure our world has never seen so many crises at one time. We’re in a global perfect storm. Two...

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August 11, 2021

One of the major concerns in our world is that of violence against women. It’s a pandemic that has persisted long before Covid 19 afflicted the globe. And, with our WOW ministry ( we’ve made Gender Based Violence Mitigation a core value in our commitment to young widows and their orphaned girl children. Several years ago we established a Home of Rescue for abused widows and orphaned girls in Lilongwe, Malawi which has become a national standard in the fight against GBV.  Now, as of this month (August 2021), we’ve established another home of rescue in the huge slum area of north...

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August 4, 2021

I was just reading about the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Afghan general says this conflict will greatly impact global security. Jihadists are joining the Taliban from Europe, Indonesia, North Africa, and other states in what may become a global conflict. Then there’s Iran, not only rattling its developing nuclear sabres, but facing a drastic water shortage that may precipitate desperate military measures. The Ethiopian-Tigray conflict threatens African security, while raging fires and floods are killing hundreds and creating thousands of refugees in various regions of our world. And...

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July 21, 2021

The government of Malawi recently empowered the police to strictly enforce mask wearing to counter a troubling surge in Covid-19 infections. The police are taking this newfound authority seriously and, as I know from my many visits to this impoverished nation, they are overly zealous in their enforcement. The people, long-suffering as usual, carry on. Stress on stress is the reality for Malawians. They are in the grips of two pandemics- HIV and AIDS (which has been wreaking havoc for over 20years) and now C-19. This on top of systemic poverty is enough to break a nation’s spirit. But no. I’m...

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July 14, 2021

    As you may know “Jim Cantelon Today” is the official voice of “Working for Orphans and Widows”. Together these two entities comprise one comprehensive ministry. Check out the WOW website to get an update on our work with “the least of these” in sub-Saharan Africa and southern India. We work with the most vulnerable humans on the planet. There is no one more needy or more exploited than orphans and their young widowed/abandoned mothers. For 21 years we’ve been caring for thousands in our Home Based Care (HBC) programs. The need, especially during this Covid era, just keeps...

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July 7, 2021

For the first 12 months of Covid I was surprised and grateful that it’s impact was seemingly doing an end run around Sub-Saharan Africa. India was/is another story. Chennai, where we work with a small but vital church in Home Based Care for orphans and widows is a designated Covid “hot spot”. Our work there has ramped up considerably. We’re not only caring for afflicted orphans and widows, but the state government has asked us to help care for the first responders in the slum where we work as well. Thankfully the Lord has increased our resources so that we can take on the added challenge. And,...

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June 30, 2021

Fearing COVID, struggling Malawian women forgo prenatal care BLANTYRE, Malawi (AP) — Prenatal services at the health clinic were free, but the motorcycle taxi fare cost more than Moni… Read the full story I’m including this recent report from Malawi to give you insight into what our ministry ( is facing. We minister to thousands of totally impoverished orphans and widows. Our Home Based Care (HBC) work is providing critical food security, medicines, and weekly ministry visits to so many women and children caught in this cycle of desperate need. It’s challenging, humbling,...

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June 23, 2021

June 20th was “Fathers Day”. I called both my sons to affirm them as great dads and they reciprocated. They’re terrific fathers and (so they say!) so am I. Good stuff. But what about the legions of people out there who don’t have warm feelings about fathers? Abandonment, abuse, neglect, indifference…so many affected by dysfunctional dads. For them it’s a leap of faith to call God their “Heavenly Father”. The word is weighted with negatives. The “love of God”, so easily falling from the lips of many, has no resonance. I have great empathy and admiration, then, for those who make the leap from...

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June 16, 2021

A major gap in American history books is the inclusion of black history. There’s no doubt America wouldn’t be the world leader it is today without the major role played by its African American population. They have prevailed through persecution, misrepresentation, and social stigmatization, yet continue to rise above adversity to contribute magnificently to American culture. Their resilience is astounding. With WOW we work with thousands of African orphans and widows. Everyone in our humble ministry is black. Kathy and I are in the minority for sure, but our sense of brotherhood with our African...

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June 2, 2021

This Sunday, June 6th, is the official launch of my latest book,“Cantelon’s Casual Commentary-A 21st Century Guide to the Life of Jesus for the Internet Generation”. It’s the product of 3years of work. That’s why it’s 520 pages (Yikes!). The book is my take on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke/Acts, and John. It’s “casual” but informed by my 7 years of living in Jerusalem Israel and founding/pastoring King of Kings Church ( ). Available in hardcover or e-book on most online outlets. Or you can access via this website or I had you in mind as I wrote. I hope you gain...

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